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The web side of things

Arjan avatar

So, where to start. My name is Arjan. I've been a software developer for 25 years, however never in gaming. I decided to join this project because I was sick and tired of seeing companies talking down to their customers. This is my chance to help do something about it.

I started on the docs project, writing a converter to 'rebrand' all the Godot mentions and links. This is not as straightforward as it sounds, as there are many nuanced differences between different usages.

A couple of known issues that are on our list are: different versions are currently hosted on different subdomains, some links don't work properly, screenshots need replacing, and much, much more..

On a more fundamental level, we want to move away from ReStructured text and convert all of it to Markdown. We want to move away from Sphinx. We want a better way to document cpp classes. These are lofty goals but will also take a serious time investment.

So in conclusion: this project is not finished by any means, but it's good enough to launch so that's what we did.

I also looked into hosting. After weighing pros and cons we landed on Cloudflare for its generous free service in terms of bandwidth.

After that I was asked to also facilitate the hosting of the main website, which was under development while I was working on the docs project. There were many competing designs among contributors so picking one was guaranteed to generate disappointment. In the end, a practical decision was made.

I've been a web developer for most of my professional career so I know that what we're launching today is not 100% up to professional standards. There is much room for improvement and more work to be done. But, it does the job it's supposed to: provide information and links to resources. And we now have a website whereas before we didn't, and that's what's most important.


Arjan, a.k.a @Craptain